
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

TOP 5 Pinterest Marketing Tips 2020

TOP 5 Pinterest Marketing Tips 2020

Have you ever checked popular Pinterest accounts and wondered what are the secrets of those big Pinterest accounts that havemillions of monthly views and get thousands of page views on their sites on Pinterest so
I want to show you the most current Pinterest marketing tips
Which work equally well for bloggers online business selling products and for ecommerce sites
If you want to get the link stay with me until the end of this video

1. Seo Optimization
So my tip number one is SEO optimization of your profile and boards on Pinterest surprise
Surprise Pinterest is a search engine, but not a surprise for you
Pinterest is not just a social media platform
But it's first and foremost a powerful
Visual search engine so users on Pinterest don't just scroll down the field like they do on Instagram or on Facebook
People on Pinterest also do search queries over
Here for example like this
So it looks very similar to Google and the biggest difference is that the results have shown in the form of imagesvbut most of the images on Pinterest have some kind of tax description next to them and
Based on this text Pinterest decides for which keywords. This particular image should be
ranking high and shows this image to users who have similar interests in their feeds or in related pins and
If you scroll down under the pin you will see lots of related pins
They're called more like the and all of the spins also are related to the keyword
Which was searched for the meal prep keyword
And I'll tell you honestly one of the most common mistakes I see in the accounts of my clients is poor search
optimization of the Pinterest board
because the title and the description of your boards of
The board to which you're saving your pins is also very important factor that helps Pinterest understand
What your pin is about? So if you want to be successful on Pinterest you need to use popular keywords in your board titles and
don't miss a chance to add as many related keywords in your board description because
Usually the board title doesn't have that many
That many characters over here. So if you can you should include more keywords in the in the board description

2. Make Sure That Users Can Save Pins From Your Site
My tip number two is make sure that users can save pins from your site
Something that a lot of people don't realize about virality on Pinterest. Is that original pins?
meaning the pins saved by users from your site for example
like this are a very important signal for Pinterest if people liked your content so much that they even
bothered to save it on Pinterest
It really must be great content
Right and even though I show all the ways of making your site optimized for saving pins on Pinterest
In my course, it's significant part of my students simply refuse to see the value in this
Optimization of your content a lot of people don't want to include a big Pinterest optimized image in their posts
but honestly what difference does it make if you include a couple of smaller horizontal images or
Instead of them you include one
Larger vertical image for Pinterest at the end of the post if your image is optimized for web and it's not too heavy
then you can
easily use it on your site and if you don't add any image to the page just because you think that it makes
Paige heavy and slow for for Google maybe for Google SEO
Then how do you expect that users are going to share your content on Pinterest?
So you have to kind of find a compromise and just upload images of lower size or not lower size
But let's say that are not so heavy
Optimized for web once they're on your page that helps
immensely with them
the number of original pins saved from your site
So let me tell you some of the things you could do to get more saves from your web pages
Always have at least one printable image per post. That's what I'm showing you already and
Also add social sharing buttons to your site something like this
I'm actually using social pack plugin
That's what I recommend currently to all my students and because if you're on WordPress
That's a plugin that is the best in terms of optimization for Pinterest
It has a free version too
But if you want all the functionality to maximize your optimization for Pinterest, you will need to use the paid version
It's not too expensive by the way. It's just about 30 34 dollars per year for one side. And if you have multiple sites
you can even get a better deal for the for the plug-in and
the other thing that you want to have on your side is
Prefilled pin descriptions for all the images that you want users to save from your page
make sure that these descriptions are optimized for Pinterest what I mean here that
These descriptions have hashtags and all the keywords
Which you want to target on Pinterest and to add this Pinterest optimized descriptions to your images
You can either do it manually in the HTML code by adding a data pin description attribute to each image
which you want to be saved on Pinterest or
You could do it much easier
If you use social Park plugin, it even allows you to add the same optimized pin description to all of your images
Which means if you have multiple images per page, you can add the same text in one place under the page
It's like when you have Yoast SEO plug-in under the under the post you have a field to fill the post title
SEO title and post SEO description and then I love the Yoast plugin you will see a
similar field for social park plugin for pin description and
Then once you have it
Set in the social pack plug-in when a user is saving something from your site
they will see a long pin optimize Pinterest optimized description with all the hashtags and
It's much longer than you could add as an alt description and you also have to remember that out
Descriptions they should be used for Google SEO and there should be much shorter and you should never include
Hashtags, so in this case the plugin is doing automatically what you would have to do manually when you need to add this data
ping description attribute in
HTML code code of your image
so the plugin is doing this automatically and
all your users have to do will just click on this social pack social sharing button and it automatically
substitutes or
Pre-fills the pin description now if you have an e-commerce site
But it's not on the WordPress platform
It may be a little more difficult to find solutions similar to social pack plugin
You have to do your research and test other solutions
available for your platform and
Since a lot of people use Shopify platform nowadays, I can tell you that for Shopify
It will be pretty hard to add data pin description attributes to all of your images product images
But you could at least add the social sharing buttons
Including Pinterest Save button and there are some paid apps in the Shopify store for this
You can just search for social sharing in the store and you will see
Enough options for you to choose from and some of them even have free trial period so you can try and see how it works

3. Add Clicquote Type To Inmages
My tip number 3 is create Clicquot type in images
Pinterest has a great page with the main thing. You need to know about pin design
I would recommend you to check the link to this page
Which I will give you in the description to this video and most of these tips are super obvious
But I'm sure that you might be missing at least some of these points
So the first thing you need to realize about
Pinterest is that you cannot just save whatever image you have on your site already or your Instagram account
Or your YouTube account if you're promoting
this content on Pinterest for example YouTube thumbnails are
Instagram posts are usually square and these types of image ratio are not going to work well on Pinterest
at least the image ratio if you're saving square or horizontal images will always be a
Disadvantage compared to the vertical images created by your competitors
Specifically for Pinterest the recommended image ratio is two to three and in terms of image size
You should be creating larger images of about a thousand to 1500 pixels
Because this is the new size Pinterest has been recommending lately and it also emphasized this recommendation over here
use text overlay because it adds context and tells people why they should ever
Click through to your site
and there is some recommendation also about the text overlay that your font has to be large enough and easy to read on the

4. Create Pin Images With Canva
My tip number 4 is create pin images in canva. It's an easy and fast online tool
So the tool I used to create most of my pins is not any kind of fancy graphic design software
It's not Photoshop even it's a free online tool called canva. You can find it on this side
Try the tool you can do pretty much everything with the free version of canva
But I'm also using premium just because it allows me to quickly create video pins
and I already published a detailed video actually, which shows you how to create pin images and
and you will find a link to that video at
the right top corner of your screen and you can watch that video later and
I will also give you a link to that video in the description below this video
And by the way, I'm going to show you how to create video pins in canva, but this will be in my next video
So stay tuned and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss the new tutorial next week

5. Schedule Pins With Tailwind
My tip number five is schedule pins with tailwind to save hours of workSo I also used this tool called tailwind to scheduled pins on Pinterest
You can have lists of boards on tailwind. Let me show you
board list
You can schedule each of your new pins to be saved to 5 or 10 relevant boards with
intervals and it would take you so much effort to keep track of each pin you already saved and about all the boards without
Tailwind also shows you the best times for saving pins
it's the hours of the day when your audience interacts with your pins better and
Tailwind allows you to save pins in these best hours without having to actually log in and save the spins manually
using dicta win especially makes sense when you have a big website with
Multiple pages if you try to save each of your pins to several boards manually
Pinterest will have to be your full-time job, but that's not what you're looking for in online business, right?
It's also much better to have your pins scheduled with tailwind for a couple of other reasons
The first reason is because when you save pins manually you usually tend to do it in one session
For example, you see for 20 minutes and save let's say 20 or 50 pins in one session
But all your audience doesn't log in on Pinterest at the same 20 minutes when you're saving pins
so your pins will show up in their feet in this 20 minutes and by the time when they log in
There will be other pins from other people on top of your pins
so you want to use tailwind to safe pins at more random times and spread them throughout the day and
The second reason why tailwind might be a better solution than manual pins is because it creates the so-called
original pins
When you repeat something manually
You actually make a direct repeat of your original pin URL and since about the middle of 2018
Pinterest has been very clear about direct ribbons. They said that they consider direct repeats
which are made by the content creator as
Family practice and they don't recommend doing it and a lot of people were using director pins to increase engagement on
their original pin URLs
but that doesn't really help interest grow the numbers and
Now that they are a public company
They really need to show the growth in terms of income and also in terms of numbers of original pins
Saved to their platform. So talen technically creates original pins on your behalf from your site
it calls the application goes to your web page which is linked to the pin and
Saves the pin from that web page with your pin title post title and post description
And so it kind of creates
every time an original pin and
That's what Taylor Pinterest wants from us
so using tailwind, you might be actually keeping your account safe from Pinterest spam filters, which
probably don't really like
directory pins made by the content creator that much
Now you can check my detailed tailwind tutorial if you use this info icon at the top right corner of the screen
I will also give you a link to this other video in the description of this video and also in the description
Below the video. I will give you a link to one month of free trial of tailwind and
I also wanted to remind you that I have a tailwind course very affordable course
Which will show you all the settings you need to know?
About this tool so that you use it efficiently from day one and you don't get your Pinterest account in too
any risk by choosing some wrong settings in Thailand and
Don't worry. I didn't forget about the checklist
I promised if you're serious about setting your Pinterest SEO strategy for success
Make sure you get that checklist below the video
It's free
But I promise it has a ton of value
because it includes my entire SEO process for every pin I create and
It helps me drive a ton of Pinterest traffic to my website and I'm sure it will help you as well
I noticed there is a lot of interest about
Video pins on Pinterest because Pinterest is now showing video pins at the top search results on mobile devices
So there is a lot of potential of growth and if you want to learn how to create upload and optimize video pins
I will be showing you all of this in the next video
So I publish Pinterest tips every Thursday as you know, and if you're not subscribed yet to my channel
make sure you click that subscribe button and
Also the Bell button so you get notified when I publish my new videos
You can also check out my other Pinterest tips here and here meanwhile
I wish you a great week and I will be happy to see you on my channel again next week

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